Arkansas Row Crops Radio

Weeds AR Wild S4 Ep6: Identifying and Managing Herbicide Drift

University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Season 4 Episode 6

Extension weed scientist Bob Scott discusses how to prevent, identify and manage herbicide drift in various row crops with extension weed scientist Jason Norsworthy and extension soybean agronomist Jeremy Ross.

[00:01] Intro/Outro 

Arkansas Row Crops Radio providing up to date information and timely recommendations on row crop production in Arkansas. 

[00:11] Bob Scott 

All right. Welcome to the Weeds AR Wild podcast series as part of Arkansas Row Crops Radio. My name is Bob Scott. I'm an extension weed specialist for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. And today we're going to discuss preventing, managing, dealing with identifying whatever you want to call it herbicide drift and row crops. We'll probably focus a little bit today on rice and soybean, but undoubtedly throughout the podcast we'll touch on several other crops. I'm pleased to introduce one of my co-hosts of the Weeds AR Wild podcast, Dr. Jason Norsworthy. Good morning, Jason, and thanks for joining us this morning. 

[00:53] Jason Norsworthy 

Glad to be here, Bob. 

[00:55] Bob Scott 

I also want to introduce a special guest this morning who over the years has also unfortunately dealt with his share of drift issues in his chosen area. And that is Dr. Jeremy Ross Extension Soybean agronomist. Good morning and welcome, Jeremy. 

[01:12] Jeremy Ross 

Good morning, Bob and Jason. 

[01:15] Bob Scott 

All right. Well, you know, the first thing I wrote on here, guys, this morning was up. It's that time of year. And then I got to thinking I could say about anything right now. I could say crops are all over the place. I can say it's time for pre flood, post-flood flood or even early post in rice. So I can I can say we got pres going out in beans all the way to post in beans. So but what I really want to focus on is that we have a lot of small crops out there. We got a lot of baby rice, baby beans. We got weather that we're dealing with. You all know that. And that results in a lot of stuff needing to be sprayed at once and this can create problems for us in terms of drift management and try not to get, you know, unwanted herbicide movement over onto sensitive crops. And I just want to start out by dating myself a little bit. Jason and saying that man, things have sure changed since the late nineties when I started first got started in Arkansas doing this. And the biggest change I think is the variety of crops we have. And then even within crops, the different tolerances that we have in those crops. 

[02:35] Jason Norsworthy 

Yeah, Bob, that's really the key is I think the different tolerances. You know, we've we've added since the nineties we've definitely grown more corn here in this state than we did in the in the nineties. But when I really think about soybean and when I think about rice, I think about the fact that we've got a lot of traits out there today that really didn't complicate things. You know, you had back in the day, I mean, you had Propanil you looked at soybean, you tried to understand how sensitive soybean was to propanil and outside of that, there just really wasn't a lot of risk in terms of moving rice herbicides over to, over to soybean and even vice versa. 

[03:18] Bob Scott 

Yeah. And now even within soybean, you know, we've got New Path drift, or within rice we've got New Path drift on to non non-New Path rice. And now we've added Provisia to that, multiple herbicide tolerances in soybeans. And so this, this whole thing has gotten a whole lot more complicated. You know, we used to plant those herbicide symptomology plots to train for the weed contest with our graduate students and then also just do training with like the state plant board. I can remember plant one row of corn, one row of soybeans and one row of rice, and that represented that crop. And now I think I'm up to four of each of those just to get them in there. But, you know, the other important factor in drift is, is also just the stage that those crops are in. And we're going to get into that just a little bit. And Jeremy, we touched on it just earlier before we started and then I did a little bit in the intro. But really, crops are all over the place right now as far as growth stage. 

[04:26] Jeremy Ross 

They are. You know, if you look at the the numbers that came out the first the week where 82% planted on soybeans, which is a little over 20% ahead of the five year average. And so, I mean, I've had, you know, several calls, especially in the last week or ten days that beans, you know, some of these really early planted beans are putting pods on. And, you know, it's kind of shocking and some some of the consultants, you know, not you know, we kind of run through the the numbers on, you know, how long these beans have been planted. And, you know, it's time for those beans to really start, you know, moving into reproduction. So, you know, we've got beans putting pods on and then we've got some fields not having been touched yet. You know, you drive by them and there's still corn stubble, you know, still in the fields and some of these fields still need to have some, you know, equipment pulled across and before the planter it goes in. But, you know, we've we've had some questions on, you know, timing of, you know, herbicides. The rain has really kind of messed, you know, some of these farmers up, you know, they're getting in a hurry trying to get stuff planted ahead of a rain. And and I had a some training with some of the newer county agents, the other day. And and I told them, you know, one, one, one of them questioned, you know, would you plant in front of a big rain and I said probably not a big rain, but, you know, this, you know, calling for an inch, I might pull the trigger and plant it. But not only are you talking about, you know, planting, but you also need to have time to get your sprayer across the field. Because I've seen some disasters where guys get out there and throw some beans in the ground and not pull the sprayer across to the field. And it starts raining for, you know, 5 to 7 days. And within that time you're starting to get weeds coming up and then you're you're kind of behind the eight ball and really, really kind of playing catch up at that point on trying to control those weeds. So I'm really telling guys, you know, if you're really pushing it, make sure you can get to planter across the field along with the sprayer to try to control some of these problematic weeds. 

[06:55] Bob Scott 

And I think some of that pressure plays into, you know, when you're trying to get a burn down with a residual in it behind a planner and you've got rice up, corn up, other beans up all around that that can you know, that pressure is what leads to bad decision making sometimes and moving in there I know in your since you're here I'll start with soybean a little bit. My most recent call that I dealt with was a drift of Regiment on to soybean. And these were these were not STS beans although Regiment would probably still be pretty detrimental to most STS varieties because not all issues are created equal. Lot of purple veins on those leaves and yellowing across the field definite drift pattern. And you know, it was one of those deals where they were just they were been kind of a push to get it done and thought they were okay, but they had a pretty good wind blowing toward those beans and that that can not be good on a soybean. 

[08:01] Jeremy Ross 

No. Especially if it's a non STS. And you know, Jason can probably chime into. It seems like last year it was we had some really bad problems, you know, getting that particular chemistry on soybeans. And so I made a pretty major push in my production talks this winter to, you know, kind of reiterated, you know, if you are planting beans around rice fields, which, you know, we get 3 million acres or of beans and a little over a million acres of rice. You're going to have beans around rice, you know, try to get a STS bean to give you a little bit of protection. You know, it's going to give you some protection. But like you said, some of these chemistries are a little bit more harsher, you know, and even if it's a STS, you know, soybean, you still could see some injury. But, you know, at least you do have some protection. And so I've had a few of those calls. You know, farmers have kind of been in a hurry sometimes. I think some some varieties maybe get mixed up a little bit in the in the in the heat of the battle. He may grab a tote that you know what you think is a STS bean, but it may or may not be. And so I've had some calls where farmers said, you know, well, that's supposed to have a STS as bean in this field. I sprayed it with, you know, permit plus and I'm still seeing injury. Yeah. And so and so from you know, from that perspective, it sounds like it may or may not be the right variety that should be been planted in that field that got planted. 

[09:45] Bob Scott 

So so we can we can do it. We can do a lot to mitigate drift, Jason by not putting sensitive crops in places we know is going to create a problem. 

[09:55] Jason Norsworthy 

Absolutely. I agree with you there. And you know, Jeremy, I mean, you know, we were talking here earlier before we came on the air here and maybe we need to take a look at these STS soybeans and just make it'd be probably good to spray them all, Permit, Permit Plus and just kind of see how they are responding. I mean, theoretically, we should not have any differences between varieties if they have the STS tolerance within their. But I do know I mentioned earlier is, you know, when I look at Metribuzin intolerance, I mean, we will see differences within germplasm. I mean, you see some variability to you there. And I'm curious as to whether some of that may be occurring here with STS. along those same lines. Just one thing I want to mention here is soybeans seem to be a lot more sensitive to off target movement of ALS chemistry early on. I mean, the smaller the soybean is, the more sensitive it's going to be to the herbicide. Now that I don't want the listeners to think that's the case from a yield loss standpoint as it relates to all herbicides. I mean, Bob, you know, you've done work looking at off target movement to, for instance, glyphosate on to rice. I mean, the worst time you want to hit rice is is late. The later you hit it, the more opportunity you have to impact yield. So it's going to differ from herbicide to the herbicide. But these ALS herbicides again regiment, the gambits hitting them early on, small beans can be extremely detrimental. And you know, the call that I'm getting on those and it's not on off target movement or regiment gambit I mean you name the herbicide these days is well I've got severe injury. Here's what it looks like do I keep it or do I or do I go back and and replant the crop? And that's really the challenge is kind of looking where we are today and then trying to make that decision as to whether to keep it or or terminate it and try to replant. 

[12:03] Bob Scott 

I think I think you hit the nail on the head. That's one of the most difficult calls to make as a specialist, whether you're agronomist or weed scientist. You know, for me in soybeans, I think it's important to look out, look at the plant overall, look at the size of the plant, the degree of damage that you have. I like to give it a little bit of time to see down in that whorl, do I green leaves coming out or are the leaves coming out stunted, purple, yellow damaged? And Jeremy, you may disagree with me on this, and that's okay, but I do think the decision to replant beans is somewhat easier to make than on on rice, where we have like limited seed and a time frame with rice, it's very you know, there's a there's a cutoff point in rice where you just don't make the yield anymore. A little more flexibility with beans, I would say generally, Jason, those drift rates, I'm not really worried about replanting back into those unless it's something super sensitive and we feel like we got a high, high dose on there. But generally and my predecessor Ford Baldwin drilled this into me, said, you know, you want to do everything you can to keep the crop if at all possible. And he's been right on that. But I think on beans, if I see stunted, blown out terminals, same thing on cotton, you're going to end up with crazy cotton. If it if it gets that terminal point, I'll make a call to replant those. So a lot of times before I will on rice. As a matter of fact, I really rarely recommend to replant on small rice as long as I can get a new leaf coming out, whether that's whether that's roundup drift or new path on rice. So I'll generally try to keep it. Jason, you agree with that?  

[13:59] Jason Norsworthy 

 I agree with you on that, Bob. And I think, you know, you touched on a key point there. When a lot of folks call me, I tell them, let's give it at least 6 to 7 days. Okay, you see, you've got a problem. Let's give it six or seven more days. At that point, you're going to have some idea of whether it's going to regrow. The other problem you're going to run into is for most herbicides, I mean, glyphosate would be would be the exception. But a lot of these herbicides have residual activity, for instance, even Provisia, if you’ve blown Provisia on conventional rice, it has some residual activity. And I tell folks, you're going to have to give it some time before you go back in and replant. You can't just drop in there if you've got enough there to potentially kill that crop, you probably have enough that you're going to have carryover if you drop back in and plant immediately. So that's something you've got to take into consideration with your replant. 

[14:59] Bob Scott 

I agree. And you mentioned growth stage on rice. And you know, we did one of my graduates students did a complete study looking at Roundup and glufosinate drift on rice a while back. And of course Roundup Drift was way more impactful than glufosinate because Roundup is translocated. And you know, what we found in that research is drift on seedling rice was bad. Once rice started to tiller, it actually gets pretty tough. It can take some drift at that point. It'll turn yellow, you'll get some yellowing and that sort of thing, but it generally recovers and is actually pretty hard to kill. However, once we get past green ring, we know what happens with Roundup and we start boogering up those seed heads and have a tremendous impact on yield pass grain ring. So taking into consideration what stage that potential drift crop is when you're trying to decide, is it worth putting this shot of roundup out on beans or or whatever product it is can also have a have an impact. You know, Jason, I also wanted to mention and one other quick thing on seedling rice. You know, you and I were involved in some research on these seed treatments and showed that we have a a pretty good…They're not bullet proof, but it's definitely a line of defense. I would say, against some drift of New Path and Roundup right? 

[16:39] Jason Norsworthy 

I agree with you. You know, I have that back in the day it was Dermacor, NipsIt and CruiserMaxx is what we looked at Bob and it gave us some protection against off target movement of new path which also would be preface today you know glyphosate. And when I say protection we're talking one to two leaf rice, three leaf rice. By the time that rice starts tillering that seed treatment really has worn off. So it's early season protection. It's not giving you protection to a direct application, but again, a 1/10x rate to the herbicide, we could definitely see some benefit. You know, a couple of years ago I went in and looked at Fortenza. That was a product that was not on the market when we were doing that work. Bob And it looks to be as good, if not better, than those other products that we tested in terms of safening to early season off target movement of ALS herbicides as well as glyphosate. 

[17:40] Bob Scott 

Yeah. And, and I think, you know, Jeremy, what we're talking about here is if the if if the roundup injury, if you would rate it 50% without the seed treatment, if it had the seed treatment, you might be looking at 20%. It didn't completely take it away. 

[17:58] Jeremy Ross 

But yeah, I remember when you were kind of doing some of that work and it would seem pretty interesting, you know, and it was, I think kind of it was kind of a fluke on kind of how you all found that out. I think. 

[18:12] Jason Norsworthy 

So, you know, the thing about that, though, is at the time, I believe, I don't know, 2014, 2015, you know, time flies when you're having fun, but it there wasn't as many insecticide, fungicide, seed treatments out there. Well, at least insecticides seed treatments that were being used in rice at that time versus today. I mean, if Jarrod was on here, I think he would tell you that most of our rice today has one of those insecticide seed treatment. So that's it's good to know that we've at least made some progress there in terms of trying to help protect that crop. Now, I will tell you, since then, I've looked at off target movement of Provisia for instance, on to rise for that seed treatment. I have seen absolutely no protection of that. Yes, conventional rice is is sensitive and the seed treatment is not at least that seed treatment is not going to help protect that crop. 

[19:12] Bob Scott 

And this might be a good time and I never pass up an opportunity to plug our MP 44. But for several weeks there I was getting a lot of calls about what will this product do to this crop? What will that product do to this crop? And I can't tell you how many people I referred to. Page 28 of our current MP 44, that's the 2024, MP 44. And this is a table that has been very useful to me and I think others. Jason I think it's important to point out that, you know, just because we list something as tolerant doesn't mean that that product is labeled on that crop. It just means that biologically, you know, it won't hurt it. I'll give you an example. You know, if you go down the line and you look at clincher, you know, soybeans are tolerant to clincher. They're not labeled, you know, clincher is not labeled for soybeans. But if you put in an application, of clincher out on rice and you had young soybeans right next to it, you wouldn't have to worry a whole lot about drift. So that's really the benefit of this table. And there are some some in there that are kind of unexpected. I would point out, you know, a lot of people think of grasp and regiment kind of in the same breath because there's similar chemistry and came out at the same time. But if you look in that table regiment is very detrimental to corn. While grasp is, corn is fairly tolerant to grasp. So there's some interesting data in that table. We took a little heat for developing that table because, again, we don't want to give anybody the impression, right, that these products are actually labeled. But this is a good tool. 

[21:08] Jason Norsworthy 

Bob, I tell you another good. We appreciate you mentioned the MP44 in how to access it. Another one that I use a lot is the NPY 519, which is actually the plant back. So again, if you once you have a drift event or you have a misapplication on a field, can I go back in and plant? So I use that to refer a lot of growers, consultants when they call me we'll talk about that. We'll look at that. That's just a very quick guide that has I don't know, I'm going to guess there's probably 150, 200 products that are listed there and we break out cotton, corn, soybean, rice and grain sorghum as well as wheat and actually provide what's there on the label. So it's just a quick cheat sheet when it comes to plant backs. 

[21:59] Bob Scott 

I just have a few odds and ends left to get to and we'll we'll start wrapping this one up here in just a little bit. But I did. I did want to make a point to talk about the different types of herbicides. And we've kind of touched on this. But, you know, Jeremy gave a scenario earlier where, you know, you had soybeans up next to fields that were being planted. And I wanted to talk a little bit about contact versus systemic damage with these crops. And we talked about roundup drift on rice and new path drift on rice. Those are two systemic herbicides. That is they, they are taken up and they move through out the plant right Jason They move to the most active growing point in the plant and that sort of thing. They, they are, they have uptake and translocation within the plant. You know, if you look at other burn down products like Paraquat and glufosinate. With Paraquat, we see very little translocation under most circumstance is I know there's ways you can trick it by spraying at night and that sort of thing or just before dark and get get some movement but glufosinate, you know you see a little bit of translocation there a little bit both contact and systemic activity but then roundup, you know, fully systemic. So one of the things that gets me a lot of times is Paraquat is a tattletale. You know, you get a lot of calls on Paraquat drift where it has speckled up corn, rice, soybeans, you name it. And it's a very visual type of injury even wheat. But, you know, my experience has been that has very little impact on yield at the end of the day, you know, depending on the level of damage. What do you guys think? 

[23:57] Jason Norsworthy 

I agree with you, Bob, on that. I think that it's when you take a look at a contact herbicide, in most instances, unless it's a direct application off target movement of a contact herbicide is going to be somewhat transient. It's not going to result in yield loss. The crop should be able to easily, easily recover. Again, pending t's not a direct applications unit. You mentioned glufosinate. You mentioned Paraquat. I think those are are two good ones. Another one that you'll see at times will be PPO herbicides, especially if someone's wanting to put a PPO out early and maybe it's some of these late planted soybeans and they've got a soybean field up adjacent. In an adjacent field, you start blowing some on the top, you know, sharpen, something like that may speckle up a soybean, but is really not a major concern, I think from an off target movement standpoint. Now on another note, the systemic herbicides, I just want to make sure our listeners are understanding systemic herbicides should be of concern, as you said glyphosate a systemic herbicide ALS systemic herbicide auxins, things like. 

[25:13] Bob Scott 


[25:14] Jason Norsworthy 

ACCase. I mean, those are systemic herbicides. And the thing about a systemic herbicide outside of the auxins, auxins are very, very showy, but when you start drifting most or ACCase, when you start drifting in ACCase or you start drifting glyphosate to a crop, you can start getting a response a lot at lot lower doses than what you will actually physically see symptomology within a given field. And so that's just it's concerning with systemic herbicides, like I said, like glyphosate and ACCase. I'm not saying that we can't use these, we can, but we at least need to be mindful. 

[25:55] Bob Scott 

ACCase examples would be Select, Provisia, Post. 

[26:01] Jason Norsworthy 

Select, Provisia, you know I have made calls I mentioned… 

[26:04] Bob Scott 

Group one herbicides. 

[26:06] Jason Norsworthy 

I've had calls where folks have they didn't realize how far select would move or how far again an ACCase herbicide would move. Corn. I had more calls this year with clincher on corn. 

[26:18] Bob Scott 


[26:19] Jason Norsworthy 

Select on corn than I have in the past years. And folks tell me, say it moved across 20 acres, 30 acres and the wind was only blowing five miles per hour when I when I sprayed. And it's those are systemic herbicides and yeah, they can cause some damage. 

[26:34] Bob Scott 

Yeah. I'll never forget longtime weed scientist from Louisiana and Darrell Sanders famous quote, that concrete will drift if the wind's blowing just right. You know, and of course, I should have said it in his accent, but I'll not do that, you know, the other day. And I'm not going to name names. But my my truck happened to be sitting in a place about 50 yards from a rice field that was being fertilized. And I sent our department head, Trent Roberts, who also happens to be a soil fertility person, a picture of the hood of my truck, which was covered with fertilizer and the wind was blowing real good. The pilot actually did a fair job considering the the wind he was in and the situation he was spraying in. But there was significant movement of fertilizer outside of that plot. And those are heavy, heavy particles. So any anything people people will say, well, that stuff won't drift. And I'm like, anything will drift. Anything can drift. There's just things that drift worse and things that are more prone to drift. And really the other factor to that is crop sensitivity. You have to have an indicator species there to show you how far off things are drift. And I would venture to say things drift a lot farther than we know. They're just not hitting a crop that or a or a plant that's sensitive enough to, you know, to have that show up. A good example of that is 2,4-D on cotton. It doesn't take very much 2,4-D to strap up the leaves on cotton. Other products may be going that far, but they have no impact on cotton. So you just don't know it. So the last thing I kind of wanted to mention and you guys can chime in, but a lot of times, you know, extension gets called in on these drift complaints or concerns. I wanted to be sure and make sure and you guys can back me up on this and correct me. But you know, I feel like extension’s role in this, the county agent's role or the specialist is to help identify what happened out there, to identify the symptomology, to try to figure out what's wrong with the crop and and even perhaps to indicate what it could be, what the symptomology shows it to be. But it's really not extension's job to track drift back to the source. If if it comes to that that's really up to the grower and the applicator involved. My first and foremost suggestion is that those guys get together and work it out, if at all possible. If not, we do have another state agency in the state and that's the state plant board. When the state plant board gets involved, you know, their job is to track, drift and determine fault. I think it's important for folks to remember that, you know, the state plant board is is role is to identify drift and off target movement. And when that happens, they may be able to fine somebody. They may be able to suspend somebody's license or have some kind of hearing about it. But they really aren't there to get any money back for that farmer that's been injured. Again, that goes back to that's between neighbors to work out. And sometimes that works out good sometimes that did I did I summarized that pretty good and I'm not going to try to repeat all that. 

[30:14] Jason Norsworthy 

I think you're spot on on that, Bob. I think that from the standpoint that yeah, it's it's not we're there to identify really the what the herbicide was. And, you know, I mean, again, I see our role is also helping to, as we've already talked today, helping the grower understand what their next option is, is whether to keep the crop, whether to replant the crop. We're help there to help advise from a standpoint of where it came from. Yeah, maybe. Yeah, you could probably track it, I can probably track it. But at the end of the day, it's really the Arkansas State Plant Board's role to get involved in that. And and I really don't have any interest in getting involved. 

[31:02] Jeremy Ross 

I would agree. But I wholeheartedly you know, we can say, you know, it potentially could have been this, but, you know, usually when I go to field that has drift issues or whatever, I'm looking forward, you know, you know what do we need to do now? Right. And then looking down the line, you know, 2 to 3 months, you know, doing it, you know, depending on what it is. Do we keep to stamd? Do we start over? You know, do we need to have some extra, you know, inputs to kind of help this crop along? So so mainly, you know, that that's kind of the way I look at, you know, extension’s role and the county agents and the specialists is to, you know, here's where we're at.  

[31:50] Bob Scott 

Know, we we don't have an authority to go pull and spray record and that sort of thing. And nor do we want it. We have enough to do so. Yeah, but, but we will try to work with, with all the parties involved, we'll try to point people in the right direction. And again, I think this is one of those things that's best worked out between neighbors most of the time. Because if I drift if Jason drifts on me this year, I can get really mad at him if I want to, but I'm just as liable to accidentally drift on him next year. So you have to keep that in the in the back of your mind. I got one final thing that I wanted to mention, and if Jarrod was here, I'd probably be remiss if I didn't. And this is really admitting when you're wrong. I'm going to tell you guys for probably ten years in my career on Roundup Drift on Rice or New Path drift on rice, we had a pretty standing recommendation to come in with 100 pounds or triple 13 or some sort of nitrogen and flush that in or hope for rain. There were other foliar nutrients that we looked at and some companies promoted for rapid recovery of these products. We finally got around to doing some research to try to back up these recommendations. And you know, Jason, it's kind of funny when you do the research, it doesn't always support what you've been telling people to do. And what we found is there was really no replacement for just given that field time and trying to keep as much stress off of that field as possible. I can say in all of the work that we did, we never saw a direct benefit of 100 pounds of triple 13 or any of the foliar applied nutrients that we tried going out there with. And if you guys have any magical recovery recommendations beyond drying the field up, maybe giving it a drink as soon as you know, but not letting water stand on it, that sort of thing. I’m all ears. 

[34:00] Jason Norsworthy 

But I mean I think that, you know, we've looked at some things, you know, like you said rice in a lot of instances letting the field grow up is going to help you in, in rice. But we've done some things in soybean looking at off  target movement of herbicides and, you know, spoon feeding it every nutrient you could think of under the sun. A lot of the concoctions that you can purchase from various companies. And at the end of the day, we really never saw any benefit. At least in our our research. The best thing we could do on soybean was make sure the soybean was irrigated and then… 

[34:40] Bob Scott 

Give it what it needs to grow, right Jeremy? 

[34:44] Jason Norsworthy 

Absolutely. And that's basically all we could we could find. 

[34:49] Jeremy Ross 

Bob you mentioned earlier, you know, you're out looking at potential drift application on the across the soybean you mentioned just give it some time and that's what I tell guys. You know, let's give it, you know, seven days, ten days and, you know, be it hail damage or, you know, herbicide drift, you know, soybeans are pretty resilient and usually they can kind of grow out of it. They may be a little bit shorter than normal. But, you know, nine times out of ten, you know, soybeans are going to recover and you're going to get pretty much, you know, max yield out of those crops. And so, you know, there's some times you kind of I had to kind of pull the reins back on a farmer, you know, because, you know, especially like a hail event, you know, we had some hail come through the other day. You know, it looks bad, right? It you know, right after the event. But you give it five, seven, ten days and you go out there as long as it didn't completely mow it off at the ground, you know, usually going to get some, you know, recovery and and and get some leaves back on there. And so it's going to look a lot better. Just yeah. 

[35:59] Bob Scott 

My Rice agronomist at the time was Chuck Wilson, and he's a soils man. Jeremy, I know you're so Trent Roberts back then, Rick Norman Rick would say Bob, you got to do the testing. You got to do the testing, you know, and sure enough, you know, we tested all of that and it did not show the advantage that we wanted it to. So, man, I think this has been a good summary of what we've what you see out there on herbicide drift. Any anybody have any final words of wisdom or comments? I think we've covered a lot today, but if you do open it up. 

[36:38] Jeremy Ross 

You know, only thing is we need to kind of break out of this weather pattern so if we can get the last 20% of the the beans planted, you know, it looks like it's going to be chances of rain at least for the next three or four days. So, yeah, I know a lot of a lot of farmers are kind of itching, trying to trying to get done. 

[36:57] Bob Scott 

I'm behind on my plots. We got our rice in, but nothing else right now. 

[37:01] Jason Norsworthy 

Same way, I'm we're behind on plots replanting. And like you said, Jeremy, you hate to wish for a dry spell as you're rolling into here we are rolling into June. I hate to wish for dry weather, but we need about six, seven days to finish this crop out. 

[37:19] Jeremy Ross 

Yeah, we do. And then, you know, I guess they came out with the hurricane forecast and they're calling for more hurricanes this season, which kind of got a knot in my stomach because we've got we're going to have a lot of a lot of beans spread across, you know, quite a bit of time, you know, especially when the hurricane season kicks in. So I got my fingers crossed that maybe they're going to be a little bit wrong on that one, but we'll just have to wait and see on that one. 

[37:47] Jason Norsworthy 

I'll tell you what our local weather guys though has missed the rainfall for the last month and a half. I hope that's the same guy that's predicting the hurricanes. 

[37:58] Bob Scott 

I think it's hard to predict this time of year. You know, it seems like we go from being like 100% right to well, it's pretty hit or miss right now. Well, Jeremy, thank you for from Jason and I, thank you for joining us today the Weeds AR Wild podcast series here on our Arkansas Row Crops Radio. And I hope y'all will tune back in next time. 

[38:21] Jeremy Ross 

Thank you. 

[38:22] Jason Norsworthy 


[38:24] Intro/Outro 

Arkansas Row Crops Radio is a production of the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. For more information, please contact your local county extension agent or visit